LinkUnite is proud to continue an exciting leadership initiative for 2025, The First Lady of LinkUnite award.
With the help of our cherished partner Integrishield and Lead Generation World we bring you the 2025 “First Lady of LinkUnite.”
The First Lady of LinkUnite is designed to excel one woman to the next level of her career path and personal journey. This lucky lady will appear on podcasts, webinars, speaking panels, fireside chats, receive as much promotional recognition possible and much, much more! This will be her unforgettable year on the LinkUnite gold carpet! We ask that you take the time to learn more about Integrishield, connect with their amazing team and our First Lady of LinkUnite 2024 recipient Gayla Huber. Without their amazing passion and support for this initiative, none of this would be possible.
How is this all going to work you ask?
LinkUnite is asking you to nominate a woman you feel deserves this leadership role and acknowledgment. It’s a quick and easy form you can fill out here. The nomination deadline date is December 15, 2024 and towards the end of December the votes will be recorded. The announcement will happen at Lead Generation World in Hollywood Florida at the Hard Rock Hotel, 11:00 AM EST January 6th on the Main Stage. We could not pick a better Event to make this dream come true as they have a passion for bringing the industry together in a meaningful way. Register today!
The First Lady of LinkUnite Criteria:
Do you know a woman in the industry or your organization who has made a remarkable impact on you, your team, or the organization as a whole? Here are some key insights for your reference: Leadership, Ambition, Proactiveness, Resilience, Self-Motivation, Goal-Orientated, Confidence, Perseverance, Resourcefulness, and Adaptability. Ultimately, this is someone who takes control of her destiny, works tirelessly to achieve objectives, and serves as a positive example of determination and success. Let’s celebrate her wins, perseverance, and go-getter attitude together!