LinkUnite Events

Become a part of the tribe and engage with the ladies of LinkUnite at our annual gathering. Send female members of your team to network and grow, or become a partner branding your name with this industry-wide movement. If you want to take it another step further, join our many dinners, networking hours, educational workshops, and more to get in front of the LinkUnite Tribe.

Podcast and Video Interviews

Brand your company name and employees using our many different content models aimed at promoting LinkUnite members, partners, and ambassadors. Set up a time to become a guest on the LinkUnite Podcast, or schedule a video interview with our team to highlight your achievements and your company. We will share this content on all our social media channels, monthly email blasts which gain exposure to thousands of connections.

CEO Dinners

As a LinkUnite CEO dinner partner you have the opportunity to co- host and invite amazing leaders in the industry. LinkUnite plans these strategic dinners and private invitation guest lists during specific Events. You will gain one- on-one face time with industry veterans who can help you and your company navigate the marketing industry and so much more!

One-On-One Intros

Looking for something more intimate? Let our team know what companies and industries you are seeking introductions and knowledge for. We will then facilitate personal introductions to our network of high level members based on your specific needs.

L.I.N.K. Mentorship Program

If you are new to the industry or have new members of your team, take advantage of our L.I.N.K. mentorship program. We customize each program pairing with an industry veteran who can help guide through conferences, best practices or even share their rolodex of business. We want to expand the industry to incorporate new ideas and fresh perspectives to keep it alive and thriving. We take great pride in making sure we give back to the industry newbies who are starting their careers with hopes to accelerate the learning curve.

Access to Attendees and Members

As a partner you gain full access to our attendee lists. This will help you grow your network and find new business. We provide full contact details for outreach and will help with introductions as needed.


Get in front of our industry friends and LinkUnite tribe with custom content. We provide unique graphics for each event to promote our partners and share across all platforms. If you are creating your own content, we will share and promote through our channels to bring brand awareness to the industry.

Follow Us On Social Media Here

Looking for new employees?

Our network reaches far and wide. We are always a first stop for many on the the move and will share resumes and introductions to prospective candidates based on your needs.

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We respect your privacy and do not to tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information. We are here to answer any questions you may have.

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