I’ve been a connector of people and ideas all my life. I came from academia with dreams of becoming the awesomest economics teacher. But then, I discovered the magical world of internet marketing in Silicon Valley when Google and Facebook were just babies and everything internet was shiny and sexy. During my 17+ years in the industry, I was the jack of all trades – data management, email marketing, ESP, ISP, affiliate marketing, search marketing, display marketing, SMS marketing, call center management, product management, copywriting, and social media marketing, as well as accounting, legal, and HR. The most useful rule of law I learned in business is that character reveals itself over time so it’s far more important long-term to follow good people than “good” money. Money is common, in the sense that if you lose it, you can always make more. However, people are one-of-a-kind. There’s only one me and one you. And that’s what I’m most passionate about in life: people.